Friday, April 20, 2012


los colores delatan a la luz,
el futuro le toma el pelo al presente y el pasado bosteza

el corazón amaga mas no se decide:
teme un paro cardiaco
o que se le vaya la mano con el vacío, con el rocío

los sentimientos, los insectos merodean la superficie,
se estrellan (kamikazes)
contra el autorretrato, contra el cristal de la ventana

y la mente no halla qué hacer con el alma, su plastilina,
mata el tiempo con su hueso favorito,
con la duda, la quinta pata del gato
no la quinta de mahler ni la quinta de beethoven

mientras que el hielo quiere romperse, hacerse añicos:
le tiene sin cuidado el agua, el frío, la profundidad,
el hecho de que algunos no saben hablar,
no saben nadar

c. a. campos, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012


when you’re out walking through the milky way,
careful with the black holes, the pitfalls,
with the footprints of the bigfoot we’ve been searching,
waiting for. careful with its yawn, the fog it leaves behind,
with the landmines whenever you’re out walking the dog,
nursing your fall, nursing your call.
careful with the undiscovered planets & the signs of life
when you’re trying to relocate the heart,
to audition, auction your plot of real estate, dark matter.
wave & smile & get moving if you’re spotted:
blood is the weakness of the universe
& here, on earth, it’s what makes the green grass grow.
beware of the stars, the pyres, booby traps
when sunbathing or going for a closer look.
they’re territorial entities.

c. a. campos, 2012.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


since time immemorial, some thing has had to entertain itself by setting fires all over the universe.

all that loneliness, all that solitude, all that power & no thing to share it with, to show it to.

all that void, all that darkness: no wonder wander it became an arsonist, a planter of fires.

fires which, not falling on fallow ground, have grown to become stars, teenage sensations.

c. a. campos, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

astronomy (astrology)

since pluto's demotion, life on earth hasn't been the same...

c. a. campos, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

zurrapa de café

salud, saludo;
ajo, carajo;
diantre, diablo

en el diccionario encontramos
el significado de las palabras,
¿en dónde encontramos
el de las personas?

c. a. campos, 2012