Friday, December 30, 2011

prosigue con cuidado

lo que me detiene es la prisa de la luz, 
de la tecnología,
la maratón rumbo al cementerio de los viejos,
rumbo al trabajo de los peatones que arrempujan,
que no saludan, que ni se disculpan

es la semivida de por sí,
la ocupación, preocupación de que el show concluya
para que así podamos experimentar cuanto antes  
lo siguiente,
el próximo estreno o la próxima entrada del menú

es la carrera, el polvo de la carretera,
la silueta femenina o la sombra en lontananza
del árbol que nos invita a comparecer, a reconocer,
a identificarnos con su espantapájaros  

lo que me detiene es el MACH 1 
o la lentitud de las ondas sonoras,
de la solicitud, las explicaciones,
de los efectos o los defectos de la dopamina,
de nuestro mecanismo de defensa 

es la promesa o maraña, emboscada del mañana,
la táctica, ofensiva del mundo de los sueños,
de los nictálopes
o de nuestros receptores opioides

es el anzuelo de la esperanza 
cual se viste de consuelo, año nuevo,
de sustancia taumatúrgica o placebo,
cual se enmascara de autoridad, de credibilidad

lo que me detiene es la espontaneidad de la caída,
de la demora,
de la tristeza, la hemorragia  

c. a. campos, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

please let me know

among other things, i can teach you how to be miserable,
how to increase, on short notice,
your alcohol intake or your credit card debt

how to dissect or break down expectation into syllables
& incorporate the world
the word hate into your vocabulary

i can teach you how to neutralize vandalize love:
its privileged private property with your mutt,
with graffiti or some sort of spray can

making an example of it without needing to go to therapy,
without getting in trouble with the law,
with your family

i can teach you how to do things out of spite, out of boredom,
how to be out of compliance,
elevating it to a science, an art form

i can teach you how to get your master’s in less than two years
if you’re eager to continue on,
if you’re eager to substantiate your futility

c. a. campos, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

speech therapy

SORRY     sorry     so sorry
it's my fault     blame me
should have thought of you
before doing it     before saying it
i messed up     i, i apologize
won't happen again: promise
(in front of the mirror, i'm practicing my lines,
practicing how to say i'm sorry;
for i've already worked on my abs,
on my drinking [wishing] problem)
SORRY     sorry     so sorry
darn it: it has to be believable;
must be uttered with more trepidation,
with less affirmation
you don't deserve this     don't deserve me
you can do better than yours truly
SORRY     sorry     so sorry
(next, as i shave, save face,
how to say i love you,
how to say i care)

c. a. campos, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

reclamation project

endorphins are supposed to improve your mood,
are supposed to make you feel good about your chances
despite the data,
despite the history of your family
or the history of the team that you root for

but mine’s are M-I-A, have gone AWOL

i exercise diligently every other night
(muscle failure is supposed to induce, introduce them)
& my feel-good endorphins are nowhere to be seen:
no sign of the occasional cheap high that i was
or have been secretly concocting  

for whatever the reason,
my body, now fitter or healthier than before,
has willy-nilly closed up shop & stopped its production:
deciding on its own
that i’m no longer in need of a mood stabilizer

i don’t have a picture to show for  (not that endorphins
are photogenic by any stretch of the imagination)
but have no fear:
they arent in danger &, what’s more important,
aren’t a danger to you or society

if there’s anyone at risk, it’s me

for those in need or with nothing better to do,
i offer a small reward
(another grey goose or another consolation prize
in the eyes of the heart, of the 99%)
for information leading to their arrest

c. a. campos, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


sin concertar una cita, comparezco ante mi persona
a las seis en punto de la mañana

empiyamado y con el jarro de café en la mano,
le complazco para que luego no me joda el resto del sábado,
no me pida que intervenga, que le entretenga

su enfermera me advierte que el galeno
no parece estar de buen humor,
que hoy no es el día más indicado para reprocharle
por lo de la otra noche (ya le fueron con el chisme)

me pide que por favor tome asiento en la sala de espera
y me una al resto de los pacientes,
de los convalecientes sin seguro médico
que me miran de arriba abajo
(acaso por mis ojeras,
por las gafas que acababa de pillarle al sol)

le explico que no dispongo de mucho tiempo,
que no se olvide de este servidor, observador
cambiando mi peso de un pie a otro,
mi verbo de presente de indicativo
a presente de subjuntivo

c. a. campos, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

circadian rhythm

i have a gap between my front teeth.
gaps sandwiched
between what i say & what i mean to convey,
what i pay attention to
& what actually gets registered in my mind.

disparities between who i am & what i am,
what i see & what i read into,
what i can’t remember
& what i cannot for the life of me forget.
ambivalence or serious language barriers 
between what to fight for & what to let go of,
what to avoid & what to bring home with me,
what to bitch about & who or what to praise.

inconsistencies (mother nature's violence, 
mother nature's indifference),
when it comes to what i make a point 
to ignore & what i miss out on 
because of poor reception, poor peripheral vision.

c. a. campos, 2011 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

fuegos artificiales

el sol de octubre me urge que en su ausencia
me comporte, me la banque,
que no le haga otra escenita

me recalca que a donde su luz no llega 
—no tiene lugar—,
que la voz del hijo se asome, la del abuelo

el presente de indicativo manteniéndose a flote 
con la chispa o la chepa del futuro, 
con la arena movediza del pasado

me promete con su vestimenta menos aparatosa,
que con el calor, el color 
él regresará sin falta en cinco o seis meses

me aconseja que no llegue tarde a la cita
para que esta vez no me pierda el espectáculo:
el ámbar, el rojo, las alas y el azul

tipo cinco de la tarde, tipo seis,
el sol de octubre emigrará hacia otros lares 
con la última bandada de la temporada

c. a. campos, 2011 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

entre nosotros

al inodoro no lo dejo respirar:
me producen seguidilla
los colores inverosímiles de los sueños

por culpa de los de la primavera
a un sinnúmero de citas con el otorrinolaringólogo
tengo que acudir

ni hablar de los colores del otoño,
mi estación predilecta:
me causan estreñimiento, ataques de epilepsia

es una lástima que yo no pueda
en ocasiones
sufrir de daltonismo

c. a. campos, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

the naked truth

its body is so gross! so aesthetically unpleasing!
what was i thinking? drinking?
can't believe i actually fingered that thing!

ASAP i want the truth out of my jurisdiction,
i want to put its clothes back on,
for it to willy-nilly disappear into the hell
from which it came from: probably my innards

please do not remind me of its stripteasing
the other night,
do not tell me now that you caught the whole thing
on HiDef,
i have a terrible headache as it is

to successfully blackmail someone
first that sitting duck needs to have serious moola,
needs to have an image to protect 
&, as usual, i don't qualify

help me, instead, to hush it like the church
or politicians,
to drug & bag this thing before it wakes up,
before i seriously start to liken poetry
to stand-up comedy,
to remedial english or assiduity, absurdism 101

we can dump the naked truth not far from here,
thanks to the mortgage crisis
there are plenty of houses to pick & choose from

so don't give me your customary disapproving look,
how many times have i saved your bacon?
besides, it's not like i'm talking about murder
or about illegally dumping toxic waste

thankfully truth's obesity is recyclable, 
is fertilizer, certified inorganic manure 
for the land

you see
it's a good thing we've been working out

c. a. campos, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011


it’s about thinking out loud: when you are alone,
whenever you are exercising or spurring your mind,
whenever you are showering, cleaning up,
or pleasuring yourself

about taking off your shoes, getting comfortable,
& revisiting your frequently asked (unanswerable) questions
while folding your clothes or doing the dishes,
sobering up, shaving, or brushing your teeth

about crossing out a good number from your shopping list
& realignment, rewording, 
the remaining questions rewarding
that are still capable, applicable, that will not go away

about sticking nonchalantly down your throat 
or (if need be) up your other merry way: 
one, two, three fingers,
or however many you can spare

its about comic relief, laughing out loud, 
pressure points or pressure safety valves: when you are alone,
whenever you make yourself available,
whenever you are able to regroup 

c. a. campos, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

con la tierra, el agua, el aire y los fuegos

sólo en contadas ocasiones
(cuando tratamos de hacer de la hoja otra cosa)
no sufre ella una alérgica reacción

solamente de pascuas a ramos
su cuerpo tolera, la bienvenida le da al color,
a la palabra rebuscada o nuestros garabatos

lo más natural, prudente
es hacer de su papel un barquito, un avioncito
cuando no hallamos qué hacer con ella

poniéndola a volar, flotar,
a hacer del sumidero su muelle,
del tarro de la basura su pista de aterrizaje

la fianza sufragando, su confianza
y poniéndola en libertad,
en manos o en contacto con los elementos

c. a. campos, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

medicamentos para el autoestima


con mi voz de contrabajo, de pizzicato,
vuelvo sobre mis pasos,
me busco con la ayuda del GPS
en los sitios en donde ya no me reconozco,
en donde ya no se me identifica

últimamente e inútilmente, con una foto 2 x 4
pregunto a jóvenes y viejos en los lugares comunes,
en los salones de vanguardia
por el paradero de mi persona, de mi mascota

con los nervios de punta y el jarro de café
he consultado libros de segunda mano,
he visitado cárceles y hospitales,
todos los bares y burdeles:
la verdad es que no sé en dónde me he metido

y empiezo a preocuparme, nunca he sido muy hospitalario,
a agrandarme para disminuirme,
para abofetearme o echarme la culpa —mi especialidad,
a intuir que él no quiere que le encuentre

se avergüenzan las preguntas de las respuestas,
la mano izquierda de la derecha,
pollock, kline, rothko o el arte de las imágenes,
y el desaparecido, por igual, de mi revolú,  
de lo que yo he hecho de mí, de su talento

empiezo a hacerme el importante, el indignado
o el que no le necesita:
en la historia, la biografía
qué más da otro antes de u otro después de

c. a. campos, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

emergency exits

find a backdoor, a tunnel, or an area to jump over it. to see the box, you have to be able to get out of it. that's what thinking outside the box means.


the mind! the mime!
we’re poor hackers. if it goes well, it takes the better half
of our lives to crack the code,
figure out the soul’s alphanumeric sequence & break in.
minutes, however, for its alarm to go off,
if we succeed,
for the heart to shut down, change the password,
& lock us out of ourselves, once more.

add to the mix the fact that america the beautiful
no longer feels like home-field advantage,
& the body with its case sensitive story,
well-documented history,
the toilet with its latest toy sending us mixed messages,
texting or tweeting us at inopportune times.

& we have ourselves not a ballgame but another blowout,
8 to 0 score.
we have ourselves —oh, the horror! the horror!
the case for another happy pill,
for another private joke
or another lap around our own penrose steps.

which is not the way to get in shape,
to induce muscle failure.

c. a. campos, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011


the mold, mildew, humidity,
the lack of fresh air. the soul’s an inhospitable,
uninhabitable planet.

c. a. campos, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


con luz de quirófano algunas veces se me acerca,
con luz de microscopio 
o sino con aquella que se utiliza para interrogar, 
para sonsacar

otras casi a oscuras, con la luz decorativa, 
casi inofensiva de la luna, de la tele o linterna

el mismo objeto ante mí, el mismo sujeto de siempre
se me presenta de pascuas a ramos
y a regañadientes: 
exigiéndome novedades o rindiéndome cuentas 
con escasa autarquía, escasa eudemonía

se me aparece de sopetón dizque para alterarme
los nervios,
para que no tenga tiempo de esconder la botella,
de esquivarle la mirada 

el muy alelado se cree o me cree una autoridad

c. a. campos, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

the fine print

it’s unhealthy not to have secrets, not to have stuff
that only you are privy to,
to feel like you have to or want to air them out,
distributing them unevenly among your friends,
among strangers in a bar
or among people you’re counting on never seen again
or that you’re counting on being half as drunk as you

when it comes to protecting your identity, your privacy,
or your decency,
to give or provide unfinished portraits of yourself
is the safest & most considerate way to go:
because, between you & me, most of our secrets
are not as shameful as we think,
not as interesting to others as they may appear to us

managing the words or secrets that come out of our mouths
is just as important as managing our finances
or postponing till a later date our debts,
our face-to-face meeting with the condescending inner child

it’s definitely not okay if others see you as an open book,
as a whore (since this is the kind of language in which
i seem to explain myself best)

it’s unhealthy & unsanitary; it hurts the other person
& you tend to lose credibility, flexibility

forthcomingness is overrated, if you ask me,  
& a risky proposition,
not to mention that it comes along with a significant number
of penalties or hidden feeds: what america is all about;
it ought to be a measure of last resort  (like bungee jumping
or writing poetry)

so do not bring up for the umpteenth time the matter of trust,
do not get offended whenever i keep things to myself,
whenever people dear to you
do not share everything about themselves:
none of us is supposed to

c. a. campos, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

guillermo klein

(miula) una de mis favoritas:

falling down

the evidence, hard, all around the last person on the longest line,
sticking out like grammatical blunders,
like nail discoloration, yellowing teeth, or balding spots,
in full view & open to the public seven days twenty four hours
like pictures in an exhibition,
like the scene of another petty crime not worth the time
of the local newspaper

an old shoe here, refuge left & right, condoms, candy-wrappers
over there,
& everywhere the sun becoming more aloof, the rain a nuisance
like the reality of today, of the new taxes

people counting their coins, making other lines to pay
for the air they breathe in & out, to pay for their thoughts,
for their dreams at night not paying attention to the fine print:
extra is charged by the government when the dreams don’t come true,
when the thoughts don’t lead to some material purpose (ouch!)

(speech is next on the IRS agenda, the details
are still being worked out)

folks of all ages everywhere not knowing what next to mortgage,
what next to give up on,
all around the last person on the longest line,
who could be you or someone else but it’s me:
there to pay an additional fine

apparently is a no-no to walk instead of paying the train or bus fare
or the tolls & gas if you drive,
apparently 33% of what i make  isn’t enough of a contribution

activities of any kind require an additional activation feed

c. a. campos, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

a la zaga

lo preocupante es que ya no me preocupa,
es que ya no me preocupe como otrora del rocío,
de la nada, la palabra,
del constante sinsentido que es querer encontrarle 
un sentido a la vida,
a los libros, a las polillas o los cachivaches

es que ya no me ocupe como otrora del pasado,
del futuro o prurito,
de la causa perdida o la manumisión

es que ya no me empecine en sacarme partido,
en tratar de hacer o quedar bien ante los demás,
ante el ser que esperaba ser o hacer de mí
a pesar de las alergias, del orden o las pruebas

lo alarmante del caso es que me parezca natural
el valor exorbitante o ridículo de los efectos personales,
los coscorrones o cocotazos de la infancia
y la fecha de caducidad,
el hecho de que a la larga nos caen mal los años
que se cumplen

es que me parezcan normales los finales rebuscados,
las preguntas que abren los ojos o buscan desentenderse,
que no quieren comprometerse ni un minuto más
debido a que esperaban más de las respuestas,
de la mano que trabaja

 c. a. campos, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


si continúo en babia 
es porque el corazón se empecina en sugestionar 
a la razón, 
es porque el alma quiere seguir jugando a las escondidas 
y mi cuerpo lo que quiere es irse a acostar,
irse a que le mimen

es porque babia me atrae,
en babia se me distrae, en cuenta se me toma 
e, incluso, los chistes de mal gusto se me celebran,
se me aplauden en las casas de dudosa reputación

es porque a los ojos de los babianos
soy algo así como otra constelación menor,
otra atracción turística del lugar,
y no se me exigen credenciales
ni cartas de recomendación para participar,
para que se me considere   

es porque el presente no se lleva bien con la esperanza,
no se siente a gusto
cuando tiene que elegir entre el pasado y el futuro,
entre la historia y la ciencia ficción

es porque me cuesta el descaro de la teoría,
su chantaje,
la política exclusivista, poco generosa de la alegría 

 c. a. campos, 2011