Saturday, October 15, 2011


it’s about thinking out loud: when you are alone,
whenever you are exercising or spurring your mind,
whenever you are showering, cleaning up,
or pleasuring yourself

about taking off your shoes, getting comfortable,
& revisiting your frequently asked (unanswerable) questions
while folding your clothes or doing the dishes,
sobering up, shaving, or brushing your teeth

about crossing out a good number from your shopping list
& realignment, rewording, 
the remaining questions rewarding
that are still capable, applicable, that will not go away

about sticking nonchalantly down your throat 
or (if need be) up your other merry way: 
one, two, three fingers,
or however many you can spare

its about comic relief, laughing out loud, 
pressure points or pressure safety valves: when you are alone,
whenever you make yourself available,
whenever you are able to regroup 

c. a. campos, 2011

1 comment:

  1. goddamn (lol), you can do the most banal aspects of life sound very poetic my friend...and in your total disregard for life sometimes very funny things come out, such as in the "about sticking nonchalantly..." stanza...good work, as usual...

