Wednesday, August 29, 2012

post-coital tristesse

what amount of novelty is required to crack a smile from time to time?
should novelty be available over-the-counter in extended-release tablets?
why do women get away with big ears & men do not?
does hair volume have anything to do with this?

now that my old friend is close to conformity or indifference,
close to not minding not making it to point B or point C,
he asks himself questions to kill time,
he bothers his friends
since he’s unable to help himself after all the years on the road, 
all the weekends at our local public library

is experience favorite snack our enthusiasm?
shouldn’t it first munch for years on midnight delight or mochi ice cream? 
shouldn’t it drink someone else’s kool-aid & get fat or go bald 
before going for our jugular?

his counterproductive, not counterculture, question marks themselves being side effects, 
along with his private bouts with anhedonia, with acceptance, 
withdrawal symptoms 
now that i think about it, now that i too have cut back on alcohol & caffeine

should we perform CPR on the future? would it be more cost-effective 
to let it die?
is sleeping a good hobby to pick up, a good second career to consider?
how about counting sheep?
what are we supposed to do in a world of misplaced exclamation points?
in a world when answers start to go extinct?
should we take a cue from jazz musicians & improvise?

c. a. campos, 2012

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