Friday, October 15, 2010

pardon our appearance

some of us are presently in the unable to perform list,
for some reason or another
we find ourselves suffering from one ailment or another,
from a body injury
or recovering from surgery,
suffering from writer’s block or a language barrier,
from our emotional high-risk investments
or simply stressed-out because of our financial polaroid

some of us are not necessarily in need of intervention
but we’re presently unable to be charitable,
to be gregarious,
to embark on something new
or defend or promote enthusiasm, a liberal arts degree

for we’re currently busy as hell, rehabbing, taking our meds,
trying to get well,
we’re not necessarily on extended vacation,
having the time of our lives
while others take care of the work that was left behind, in front,
& honestly all over the office or our living space

we find ourselves presently & for the foreseeable future
in some sort of halfway house,
in some sort of conflict resolution

c. a. campos, 2010

1 comment:

  1. The artist knows he must be alone to create, the writer to work on his thoughts; the musician to compose, the saint to pray.
